Zone % of
Heart Rate
Perceived Exertion Benefits
4 80–90% Fast pace and a bit
breathing forceful
Improved anaerobic
capacity and
threshold, improved
Zone % of
Heart Rate
Perceived Exertion Benefits
5 90–100% Sprinting pace,
unsustainable for long
period of time, labored
Anaerobic and
muscular endurance,
increased power
Altimeter and Barometric Readings
The altimeter and barometer function differently depending on the fixed or variable settings. For information about calibrating the
barometric altimeter, see Calibrating the Barometric Altimeter. For information about tracking weather changes, see Tracking
Weather Changes Overnight.
You can adjust the altimeter and barometric settings by selecting Setup > Sensors > Altimeter > Baro. Plot.
Sensor Fixed Variable
Altimeter with GPS On Elevation is equal to GPS elevation. Elevation reflects changes in ambient pressure
and GPS position.
Barometer with GPS On Barometric pressure reading reflects changes in
ambient pressure and changes in GPS position. Using
the barometer at a constant altitude results in
accurate readings.
Barometric pressure reading reflects changes in
ambient pressure and changes in GPS position.
Altimeter with GPS Off Elevation remains constant. Elevation reflects changes in ambient pressure.
Barometer with GPS Off Barometric pressure reading reflects changes in
ambient pressure. Using the barometer at a constant
altitude results in accurate readings.
Barometric pressure reading is based on the
calibrated altitude and changes in ambient
18 Appendix