
2 zūmo 200 Series Owner’s Manual
Using FM Trafc
Using FM Trafc
NOTE: You must purchase the trafc
receiver separately.
Use an FM TMC (Trafc Message
Channel) trafc receiver to receive trafc
information that is broadcast over the FM
Radio Data System.
The trafc receiver is integrated in the
vehicle power cable.
To the power connector
on the zūmo
To a power outlet in
the vehicle
FM TMC Trafc Receiver
If the zūmo is connected to the trafc
receiver and connected to vehicle power,
and you are in a coverage area, the zūmo
can receive trafc delay information. For
more information, go to www.garmin
NOTE: Garmin is not responsible for the
accuracy of the trafc information. The
trafc receiver receives signals from the
trafc service provider and displays that
information on your zūmo.
Trafc in Your Area
When you are receiving trafc
information, a trafc icon appears in
the upper-right corner of the map. The
trafc icon changes color to indicate
the severity of trafc conditions on
your route or the road you are currently
driving on.
Trafc icon