Finding Places
Use the FIND feature on your StreetPilot unit (or remote) to take the guess work out of locating a city
street, restaurant, or hotel. You can even use FIND to see what rest areas are approaching as you near an
exit on the Interstate.
Finding a City
Select the Cities icon from the Find menu. A list of cities will appear, as well as each city’s direction and
distance from your current position as indicated by the Near Here tab. Use the scroll bar on the right side
of the page to view the entire list of cities. The Near Here tab lists cities that are closest to your current
physical location or, if you have panned to an area away from your current location, to your map pointer.
You can find cities in many ways. Touch the down arrow (▼) on the Near Here tab and you will see a
variety of options. (Note that these options appear depending upon whether you are currently navigating a
route or panning your Map page).
• By Name: Use By Name if you want to spell out the name of the city you seek; use the mini
keyboard that appears when you select By Name. Note that when you use By Name, all city names
that are loaded in your mapping software will be searched. For example, if you are searching for
Greensboro, N.C., your search (using By Name) will return a list of all Greensboros in the U.S.
• Near Other: Use Near Other to find a city that is not in your immediate location. For example, of
you are physically in Kansas and you want to find a city in Colorado, select Near Other and a map
of the U.S. will appear. Touch an area in Colorado that is close to the city you wish to identity, and
then touch the check mark that appears in the upper right-hand corner of your Map page. A new list
of cities in Colorado will appear. (Note that when the list of cities appears, the tab will change from
Near Other to Near Map Pointer. This is because the StreetPilot is searching for cities that are located
near the current position of your map pointer, not your current physical location.)
Access this menu by selecting FIND on your
StreetPilot unit or remote. Use the scroll bar to see
the third line of options, which are not shown above.
Finding Places
‘Near Here’ tab
In this example, nearest cities are listed in order
according to their respective mileage from your pres
ent position.
scroll bar