46 StreetPilot 2820 Owner’s Manual
Register Your StreetPilot 2820
Go to www.garmin.com/registration/ to register your StreetPilot
2820. By registering, you will receive notification of software and
map updates.
Installing the 2820 in Your Vehicle
You can use the permanent or temporary adhesive disks or the non-
skid friction mount to install the StreetPilot in your vehicle.
To attach the mounting disk to your dashboard:
1. Clean and dry the area where you want to place the mount.
2. Remove one side of the backing from the adhesive and
place the adhesive on the bottom of the mounting base.
3. Place the mounting base so the locking lever is facing you
and then position the base on the cleaned area. Apply
pressure to adhere the base to the dashboard.
NOTE: The permanent adhesive disk is extremely difficult
to remove. Only install if you are sure you want to leave the
mount in that location.
mount your StreetPilot 2820:
1. Align the power plug on the vehicle adapter to the connector
and slide the plug until fully seated.
2. Slide the locking lever on the mounting base to the left