6 Forerunner310XTQuickStartManual
When you initially turn on the
Forerunner and are completing the
setup wizard, use the table below to
set your activity class. Indicate if you
are a lifetime athlete.
A lifetime athlete is an individual
who has trained intensely for many
years (with the exception of minor
injuries) and has a resting heart rate
of 60 beats per minute (bpm) or less.
Activity Class Chart
Training Time Per Week
0 No exercise - -
1 Occasional,
light exercise
Once every two weeks Less than 15 minutes
2 15 to 30 minutes
3 Once a week Approximately 30 minutes
4 Regular
exercise and
2 to 3 times per week Approximately 45 minutes
5 45 minutes to 1 hour
6 1 to 3 hours
7 3 to 5 times per week 3 to 7 hours
8 Daily training Almost daily 7 to 11 hours
9 Daily 11 to 15 hours
10 More than 15 hours
The activity class information is provided by Firstbeat Technologies Ltd., portions of which are based
on Jackson et al. “Prediction of Functional Aerobic Capacity Without Exercise Testing,” Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise 22 (1990): 863–870.