GPS 400 Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00140-60 Rev. H
Figure 5-52 Terminal Mode
In this example, we’ll assume ATC vectors result in a
rectangular course to intercept final, as follows (refer to
Figure 5-52 for the following steps):
1) Within 30 nm of KTOP, the GPS 400 switches
from enroute mode to terminal mode and the
CDI scale transitions from 5.0 to 1.0 nm, full
scale deflection.
2) If the approach has not already been activated,
activate the approach (with vectors-to-final).
This allows the GPS 400 to provide guidance
to the final approach course.
3) ATC instructs the pilot to turn left to a heading
of 025°. This places the aircraft parallel to the
final approach course in the opposite direction
(Figure 5-53). CDI needle deflection is to the
Figure 5-53 Heading of 025°
4) ATC instructs the pilot to turn right to a heading
of 115° (Figure 5-54).
Figure 5-54 Heading of 115°
5) ATC instructs the pilot to turn right to a heading
of 175° to intercept the final approach course.
When converging with the final approach course
the needle moves toward the center. (In Figure
5-55, the needle has not yet returned to the
on-screen CDI, since the current position is still
1.7 nm right of the final approach course.)
Figure 5-55 CDI Off Scale