
User’s manual SEAT Portable System
- 142 - Handsfree module
Opening the hands-free module
1. If necessary, tap on (Main menu) to open the START
2. In the S
TART window tap on Phone.
The HANDSFREE MODULE window opens.
When you start the hands-free module for the first time, a window will
open in which you can start a search for Bluetooth-capable devices.
Tap on Yes if you want to start the search now and set up a
connection to a mobile phone. As soon as the navigation device
has found your Bluetooth device you can initiate the pairing (see
"Pairing with a device" on page 144).
Tap on No if you want to initiate the connection later (see chapter
"Searching for and pairing Bluetooth devices" on page 143).
Elements of the hands-free module
All functions can be reached from the HANDSFREE MODULE window.
1 Status display of the hands-free module. This status display can also be
seen in the navigation software (see "Bluetooth / Phone" on page 26).
2 The Phone 1 and Phone 2 buttons are used to select the active phone
(see "Activating a mobile phone" on page 147).
The button of the currently active phone has a "pressed" look (here:
Phone 1). The name of the active phone appears alongside the buttons.
These buttons can have various colours:
Green if a mobile phone is connected as "Phone 1" or as "Phone 2".
White if no mobile phone is connected.