100 Index
brightness, 1, 91
electrical, 92
environmental, 93
general, 91
lamp, 92
lens, 91
remote control, 92
resolution, 1, 91
safety, 93
Startup Screen setting, 47
Startup screen, creating, 43 to 44
Status lights, 61 to 62
Stopping action, 33
Support, see Technical support
S-Video cable, 6, 15, 17
S-Video/Video button, 32
Sync, adjusting, 40
Technical support, 3 to 4, 70 to 71
requirements, 93
status light, 61 to 62
Tint setting, 41
Tone setting, 42
Tracking, adjusting, 40
Transporting projector, 57
Treble, adjusting, 42
image and sound problems, 63 to 68
projector problems, 59 to 68
remote control problems, 69
Turning off picture (using A/V Mute), 33
Turning off projector, 28 to 29
Turning on projector, 20 to 21
Unpacking projector, 5
USB mouse cable, 5
User’s Logo menu, 38, 43 to 44
VCR, connecting to, 15 to 18
display settings, viewing, 48
formats, supported, 1, 93 to 94
menu, 38, 40 to 42
selecting source, 32
Video port pin assignments, 95
Video Signal setting, 41
Video sources, connecting to, 15 to 18
adjusting, 42
setting, 42
Warning lights, 61 to 62
Warranty, 4, 88 to 89
Workstations, connecting projector to, 81
Zoom ratio, 91
Zooming image, 25, 33
720-730.book Page 100 Thursday, October 30, 2003 11:32 AM