Code 35.
Since the boat dynamics change with RPM the autopilot retunes itself as it sees the RPM change.
Most boats will work well with the mild setting. The easiest way to set the speed schedule is to
first get tuned up and working well at low speed, then run at high speed. 1) If steering response
is sluggish, increase code 35. 2) If the steering response is oscillatory, decrease code 35.
Code 37.
Turning this parameter on may provide tighter course line tracking when you are within one mile
range of a destination waypoint.
Code 39.
If you set your GPS to use true headings, turn this parameter off.
Code 48
To run a GPS course requires that the autopilot compass is in agreement with the GPS’s course
estimate. You need to set North with the pilot in standby mode. Do not set North except in calm
sea’s and un-accelerated conditions. You should be running at a reasonably high speed, it won’t
hurt to be running on plane with your main engine. With your GPS turned on and setup code 48
selected, press and hold
the GPS (Select Load) button.
If the Up Arrow LED illuminates, this means that your GPS connection is not sending course
information to the autopilot correctly. You must point your boat north and then press and release
the Deckmount switch to set compass north.
If the Up Arrow LED does not illuminate, press and release the Deckmount switch to set
compass north. In this case you do not need to be pointing north-you only need to be going in a
straight line.
Your pilot will power down after north has been set.
Code 259.
If you find that you have connected the hydraulics backwards, use this code to electronically
“swap” the hoses.
Code 347.
If RMB and or RMC messages from the GPS aren’t received by the pilot, it may be due to a
message formatting error. If you turn this setting off, the pilot may still be able to use the data.
The integrity of the data used by the pilot in this condition is compromised.
Code 349.
The autopilot will automatically down mode to standby after a period of time of sensing no
RPM.From the kicker (This is done to avoid a melt down of the pump motor in the case the unit
was inadvertently left on when the boat was parked.) To stop it from down moding turn this
code off. This parameter cannot be set to off in permanent memory, therefore, must be used on a
as need basis.
Code 369. If you hold down the GPS (select Load) button with this code lit, the software version
number will blink out on the up and down arrow LED’s