Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Columbia 350/400
Aviation Database Update
NOTE: The display downloads the aviation
database and stores it internally. The aviation
database SD card is not required to remain in
the display after the update.
1) With the G1000 System OFF, insert the aviation
database update SD card into the top card slot
of the PFD (Label of SD card facing left).
2) Turn the G1000 System ON. This prompt
is displayed on the upper left corner of the
Figure 1-10 Database Update Prompt
3) Press the ENT Key to confirm the database
updated. This prompt is displayed:
Figure 1-11 Database Update Confirmation
4) After the update completes, the PFD starts in
normal mode. Remove the aviation database
update SD card from the PFD.
5) Turn the G1000 System OFF.
6) Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the MFD. The
MFD and PFD aviation databases are now
7) Verify that the correct update cycle is loaded
during startup of the MFD.
Terrain and Obstacle Database Updates
NOTE: The data contained in the terrain and
obstacle databases comes from government
agencies. Garmin accurately processes and
cross-validates the data, but cannot guarantee
the accuracy and completeness of the data.
NOTE: Obstacles 200’ and higher are included in
the obstacle database. It is very important to note
that not all obstacles are necessarily charted and
therefore may not be contained in the obstacle
These databases are not stored internally in the MFD
or PFD. Supplemental Data Cards containing identical
database versions must be kept in both displays to retain
terrain and obstacle data. A Supplemental Data Card
should be inserted into the bottom card slot of the PFD
and MFD.
NOTE: If the Supplemental Data Card is
removed from the display, the TOPO and
RAIN softkeys are not functional and are grayed
out on the MFD Map Page.
1) Insert one card in the bottom card slot of the
MFD and one in the bottom card slot of the
2) Apply power to the G1000 System. View the
MFD power-up splash screen. Check that the
Terrain and Obstacle databases are initialized
and displayed on the scrolling window of the
splash screen.