190-00592-06 Rev. A
Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide for the Diamond DA40/40F
WARNING: Do not use basemap (land and water data) information for primary navigation. Basemap data is
intended only to supplement other approved navigation data sources and should be considered as an aid to
enhance situational awareness.
WARNING: Traffic information shown on the G1000 Multi Function Display is provided as an aid in visually
acquiring traffic. The aircraft should be maneuvered based only upon ATC guidance or positive visual
acquisition of conflicting traffic.
WARNING: XM Weather should not be used for hazardous weather penetration. Weather information
provided by the GDL 69/69A is approved only for weather avoidance, not penetration.
WARNING: NEXRAD weather data is to be used for long-range planning purposes only. Due to inherent
delays in data transmission and the relative age of the data, NEXRAD weather data should not be used for
short-range weather avoidance.
WARNING: Use of the Stormscope is not intended for hazardous weather penetration (thunderstorm
penetration). Stormscope information, as displayed on the G1000 MFD, is to be used only for weather
avoidance, not penetration.
: The illustrations in this guide are only examples. Never use the G1000 to attempt to penetrate
a thunderstorm. Both the FAA Advisory Circular, Subject: Thunderstorms, and the Aeronautical Information
Manual (AIM) recommend avoiding “by at least 20 miles any thunderstorm identifi ed as severe or giving
an intense radar echo.”
Because of anomalies in the earth’s magnetic field, operating the G1000 within the following
areas could result in loss of reliable attitude and heading indications. North of 70° North latitude and south
of 70° South latitude. An area north of 65° North latitude between longitude 75º West and 120º West. An
area south of 55° South latitude between longitude 120º East and 165º East.
CAUTION: The Garmin G1000 does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only be made by
an authorized Garmin service center. Unauthorized repairs or modifications could void both the warranty
and the pilot’s authority to operate this device under FAA/FCC regulations.
CAUTION: The PFD and MFD displays use a lens coated with a special anti-reflective coating that is very
sensitive to skin oils, waxes, and abrasive cleaners. CLEANERS CONTAINING AMMONIA WILL HARM THE
ANTI-REFLECTIVE COATING. It is very important to clean the lens using a clean, lint-free cloth and an
eyeglass lens cleaner that is specified as safe for anti-reflective coatings.