Functions for Enhancing Projection
Freezing the Image (Freeze)
When the moving image on the screen is frozen, the image continues to
project, so you can project a moving image one frame at a time like a still
photo. Also, you can perform operations such as changing between files
during presentations from a computer without projecting any images if the
freeze function is activated beforehand.
Each time you press the button, Freeze turns on or off.
• If you use this function when projecting moving images,
the images and sound continue to be played back by the
source, and you cannot return to the point where A/V
Mute was activated.
• You can choose to display black, blue, or logo as the A/V
mute display using the "Extended"-"Display"-"A/V
Mute" setting from the configuration menu.
• You can set so that the projector automatically turns off
about 30 minutes after the A/V mute slide is closed and
A/V mute begins. To make the setting, use "Extended" -
"Sleep Mode" of the configuration menu.
Remote control
• Audio does not stop.
• The image source continues to playback the moving
images even while the screen is frozen, and so it is not
possible to resume projection from the point where it was
• If the [Freeze] button is pressed while the configuration
menu or a help screen is displayed, the menu or help
screen being displayed is cleared.
• Freeze still works while E-Zoom is being used.