Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide for Cessna Nav III 190-00362-03 Rev. CI-2
Bearing pointers 3-20
KTA870 TAS/KMH880 8B-9
BKSP softkey 5-4
BRG1 3-20
BRG2 3-20
Bus voltage (essential) 7-10
Canceling direct-to navigation 8A-45
Category 8B-41
CATGRY softkey 8B-40
Caution xvi-xviii
CAUTION alerts 9-5
CAUTION softkey 3-49
CDI scale 8A-68, 8A-142, C-3
CDI softkey 4-11
Cell data 8B-3
Cell movement status 8B-21
Change fields 3-42, 8A-56
Changing the map scale 8A-34
Channel list 8B-39
Channels 8B-40
Channel status indications 4-1
CHNL softkey 8B-40
City 3-35
City Forecast Data 8B-19
CLEAR softkey 8B-8
Closest point of flight plan 8A-55
Closest point of FPL 3-41
Cockpit Voice Recorder 6A-15, 6B-1
Codes (important) 5-5
Code field 5-1, 5-4, 5-5
Code selection 5-4
Code selection softkeys 5-1, 5-4
CODE softkey 5-1, 5-4
Color 4-1, 4-3, 4-5, 4-9
Cyan 4-3
Green 4-3, 4-6, 4-11
Magenta 4-11
White 4-3, 4-7, 4-11
Color code 4-1, 4-9
COM1 4-2, 4-5, 4-6
COM1 MIC 4-2, 4-6
COM2 4-2, 4-5, 4-6
COM2 MIC 4-2, 4-6
Communication frequency
window 3-23
COM channel spacing 8A-143
COM Configuration 8A-142
COM frequency window 4-1
COM knob 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, 4-10
COM swap 6A-6
Controls 4-1, 4-4
Controls (display bezel) 2-7
Convective SIGMET 8B-30
Copyright i
Copy a flight plan 8A-59
COUNTY softkey 8B-33
County Warnings 8B-19
Course 3-18
Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) 3-19
Course from fix to an altitude 8A-80
Course from fix to distance 8A-80
Course from fix to DME
distance 8A-80
Course from fix to manual
termination 8A-80
Course pointer 3-17
Create a new flight plan 8A-59
Create a new waypoint 8A-117
Create a flight plan 3-37
Create a profile 8A-134
Customized Display 8B-5
CVR 6A-15
CYCLONE softkey 8B-33
Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT) 7-2
CYL SLCT softkey 7-6
Database 2-11, A-1
Data and audio radio ID 8B-39
Data link 2-1
Date/Time box 8A-136
dBZ 8B-28
Decluttering 8A-13
Declutter level 3-29
Default power-on settings 6A-5
Delete 3-38
Delete all flight plans 8A-61
Delete all user waypoints 8A-115
Delete a flight plan 8A-60
Delete a user waypoint 8A-117
Delete a waypoint 8A-51
Delete a profile 8A-135
Density altitude 8A-123
Departure procedures 8A-97
Departure timer 8A-125
Description 5-1
Digital audio entertainment 2-3, 8B-38
Digit softkeys 5-4, 5-5
Dilution of Precision 8A-129
Direct-to 3-34
Direct-to navigation 8A-41
Direct-to Page 8A-41
Direct-to waypoint 8A-42
Display backup 3-47
Display interpretation 8B-12
Display units 8A-136
DME 4-1, 4-13
HOLD mode 4-13
NAV1 mode 4-13
NAV2 mode 4-13
Tuning mode 4-13
DME radio 3-21
DME Tuning window 4-1, 4-13
DONE softkey 8B-40
DP softkey 8A-97
Dual CDU failure 4-7
Edit flight plan 8A-49, 8A-61
Emergency code 5-5
Emergency frequency 4-7
Temporary Flight Restrictions 8B-19
Engine Indication System (EIS) 7-1
Engine Page 7-1