On the Pointer Page, the UP and
DOWN Buttons are used to cycle
through different trip data.
Pointer Page Basics
The Pointer Page helps guide you to a destination.
When you’re moving towards a specifi c destination,
the Pointer Page shows you the name of the location,
the distance, time to go and displays a direction arrow
in the Compass Ring. To navigate, simply follow the
arrow. If the arrow is pointing right, turn right until
the arrow is pointing directly ahead and you will arrive
at your destination.
The Compass Ring refl ects your heading (direction
of movement). The eTrex Summit will automatically
select the correct sensor for you based on your speed.
By pressing the UP or DOWN Buttons, you can
cycle through other trip computer information such
as average speed, maximum speed, bearing, lat/lon,
elevation, time of sunrise/sunset, trip timer and trip
Compass Ring
Time to
Straight Line
Distance to the
Waypoint (Location) Name
The Pointer Page
Selectable Trip
Current Sensor
NOTE: The direction arrow and destination
symbol only appear on the Pointer Page when
you have started a GOTO.
Direction Arrow
(follow this)
Page Basics
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