Main Menu Pages
Using the Setup Track Page
Recording: Turn the track log recording ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’.
Record Interval: You can set the track recording interval to change based on ‘DISTANCE’,
‘TIME’, or ‘AUTO’. If ‘DISTANCE’ or ‘TIME’ is selected, enter a value (a specific distance
or time) in the next field. If ‘AUTO’ is selected, enter a value in the ‘RESOLUTION’ field.
When ‘HIGHEST’ is selected, the unit will create many points to make the track. When
‘LOWEST’ is selected, the unit will create very few points to make the track.
Wrap When Full: Select ‘YES’ to overwrite the oldest tracks with the new ones being made.
Select ‘NO’ to have the unit stop recording tracks when the log is full.
Defaults: Press ENTER when this is highlighted to restore the unit to the default Track
Setup settings.
Using Saved Tracks
When you have made a track that you would like to save and use in the future, save
it using the steps below. To avoid overwriting tracks, save the track log before the “Track
Memory Used” reaches 100%.
Tracks Menu Page
Tracks Menu Page
Saving a track
Editing the track name