
GARMIN International, Inc.
9875 Widmer Road
Lenexa, KS 66215 U.S.A.
190-00067-03 Rev. A FAA APPROVED
Page 10 of 16 DATE: 10/16/95
(f) When flying the final approach leg of an active approach, the pilot may
activate the missed approach by pressing the GPS APR switch to deactivate
the approach mode. The GNC300 will then continue to provide course
guidance along the final approach path to the MAP (Missed Approach Point),
change the CDI sensitivity to 1.0 nautical mile full scale, and extinguish the
ACTV (active) annunciation.
After crossing the MAP (Missed Approach Point), the pilot may activate the
missed approach holding waypoint by simply pressing the direct-to key (the
GNC300 will display the waypoint coordinates of the missed approach
holding point or the first waypoint in the missed approach procedure if more
than one) followed by the ENT key. If an intercept course other than the
direct-to navigation course is desired (which is often the case) the pilot
should press the GPS SEQ (GPS Sequence) switch so that the HOLD
annunciator illuminates.
NOTE: It is the pilot’s responsibility to assure that the
missed approach procedure is accomplished in protected
airspace. The missed approach procedure must be flown
as depicted on the approach chart and normally should
not be started until the aircraft has arrived at the MAP.
Approach Waypoint Sequencing
If the GNC300 is being used to navigate directly to an Airport (no route active),
selecting an approach automatically loads the waypoints of the selected
approach into the active route, and selects the Initial Approach Fix (IAF) as the
active waypoint. If a route is active when the approach is selected, the approach
waypoints beginning with the IAF are automatically added to the end of the
route. Upon arrival at each waypoint, if the GPS SEQ switch is set to AUTO,
the GNC300 will automatically sequence to the next waypoint in the route.
When the missed approach point (MAP) is passed, the GNC300 will stop
sequencing and continue to provide course guidance along an extension of the
final approach path.