cf Que
© Copyright 2004 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
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are registered trademarks and cf Que
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IMPORTANT NOTE: The Garmin cf Que has been tested and found to operate in a satisfactory manner when installed in Pocket
PC’s that meet the minimum operational requirements stated on the product package and on page vi of this guide. However,
Garmin has no responsibility for the quality or the reliability of performance of those products.
A signifi cant issue, is the variance in maximum speaker volume for Pocket PCs of different manufacturers. You may fi nd the
speaker volume of your Pocket PC to be compromised by road noise and its location in your vehicle when receiving turn-by-turn
voice direction prompts while navigating with the cf Que. It is therefore recommended that you activate the “Attention Tone” fea-
ture to prepare you to listen in advance for each voice prompt. Instructions for activating the “Attention Tone” are found on Page
24 of this Guide. Other remedies may be third party devices that can amplify the speaker volume when connected to the auxiliary
speaker port of your Pocket PC. Consult your Pocket PC retailer for information concerning these devices.
Touch-screen responsiveness for some Garmin Que operating features, such as slider controls, may vary from Pocket PC to Pocket
April 2004 Part Number 190-00279-00 Rev. B