64 GPSMAP 192C Owner’s Manual
Map Tab
The Map tab changes the display properties of the Map page.
The following pages contain descriptions of the Map tab’s eight
sub tabs.
General Tab
• Detail—Most, More, Normal, Less, Least: controls how
much map detail is displayed. This setting only applies to
map features set to Auto. Features that have a specified scale
or are turned Off are unaffected by this setting.
• Orientation—North Up: fixes the top of the map display to
a north heading. Track Up: fixes the top of the map display
to the current track heading. Course Up: fixes the map so the
direction of navigation is always up.
• AutoZoom—On, Off: when On the map automatically
adjusts the map scale to a lower scale as you approach you
destination point.
• Color Mode—For Sun, For Dark: controls colors change to
correct for day and night lighting conditions.
Source Tab
• Basemap—On/Off: turns on or off the built-in base map.
• Data Card Maps—On/Off: turns on or off all BlueChart or
MapSource data loaded in the unit or on the data card.
• Built-in Maps—On/Off: turns on or off all built-in
BlueChart maps.