GPSMAP 292/298 Owner’s Manual 75
Zoom—sets a screen zoom scale. The following settings are
• Off—turns off the Zoom function.
• 2x Zoom––displays only the 2x zoomed picture on the full
• 4x Zoom––displays only the 4x zoomed picture on the full
• Btm (Bottom) Lock––displays only the Bottom Lock
(returns from the bottom up) picture on the full screen.
Zoom View
—available when you select a Zoom scale other than
Off. You can use the Zoom View setting to change the viewing
range of a zoomed display. Auto follows the water bottom. If the
display is Bottom Lock, the Span setting adjusts how far off the
bottom the unit shows data.
Tools—controls the display of useful sonar tools. The following
options are available:
• A-scope—when you turn on A-scope, a vertical flasher
bar appears on the far-right side of the screen. This flasher
displays structure and bottom returns much the same as the
Flasher Page. The horizontal width of the A-scope signal
indicates the strength of the signal.
• Color Bar—shows a gradient scale of the current Color
Gain setting (see page 74).
• Temperature Graph—appears only if you have a
temperature-capable transducer. This setting toggles on or
off the display of a temperature graph on the bottom of the
Sonar Page, and it matches the scrolling data.
Split When Zoomed—turns this option on or off. If you turn on
Zoom, then this setting splits the screen.
Swap Split—available on a split Sonar Page when you are using
dual frequency. This switches on which side the frequencies appear.