GPSMAP 3005C Owner’s Manual 25
Creating a Quick NAV Route
Use the Create QUICK soft key to create a quick route that you can begin
navigating imediately.
To create and navigate a QUICK NAV route:
1. Press NAV/MOB, and highlight Follow Route.
2. Press the Create QUICK soft key.
3. Use the map pointer to select a waypoint or map item, and press ENTER.
As you add each new waypoint to the route, the data window at the top of
the Map Page shows the waypoint/map item name, bearing and distance
from your location, and coordinates of the map pointer. The bottom of the
screen shows the number of available points. A route line appears on the
map to indicate each completed leg, and a dotted line appears indicating
the distance and bearing to the arrow pointer from the last route waypoint.
4. Repeat step 3 until you finish adding all route waypoints.
5. Press QUIT twice to start your QUICK NAV route.
Copying a Route
Use the Copy soft key on the Route tab to copy an existing route.
To copy a route:
1. Press and hold ADJ/MENU to open the Main Menu, and then highlight the
Routes tab.
2. Use the ROCKER to select the route you want to copy, and press the
Copy soft key. The map window for the new route opens. The copied
route uses the same route name with an additional number (starting at 1)
at the end of the route name.
Deleting a Route
Use the Route tab on the Main Menu to delete an individual route or delete all
delete an individual route:
1. Press and hold ADJ/MENU to open the Main Menu, and then highlight the
Routes tab.
2. Use the ROCKER to select the route you want to delete, and then press
the Delete soft key. A confirmation message appears.
3. Press the OK soft key to delete the route.
To delete all routes:
1. Press and hold ADJ/MENU to open the Main Menu, and then highlight the
Routes tab.
2. Press the Delete All soft key. A confirmation message appears.
3. Press the OK soft key to delete all routes.
Editing a Route
After you create or copy a route, use the Route tab to add, edit, or delete points
from a route or rename a route.
To change the name of a route:
1. On the Routes tab, highlight the route you want to edit, and press ENTER.
The map window opens showing the selected route.
2. Press the Rename Route soft key. The first character in the Editing
Route field is highlighted.