
ETE (Next)—Estimated Time Enroute. The estimated time required to reach
the next point on your route.
Elevation—the altitude (height) above or below mean sea level (MSL).
GPS Status—the current status of the GPS receiver, such as “3D GPS.”
Location (Lat/Lon)—your current location as latitude/longitude coordinates.
Location (Selected)—your current location described in the selected units of
measure (other than lat/lon).
Max Speed—the maximum speed the unit has moved since last reset.
Mov Avg Spd
—see Trip Avg. Speed (Moving).
Move Timer
—see Trip Timer (Moving)
Next Course—the course your route will take you on after you reach the next
Next Turn
—the direction of the next turn on an active route.
Next Wpt
—see Waypoint (Next).
Odometer—the total distance traveled since the odometer was reset.
Pointer—the arrow indicating the direction to travel to the next point on a
Power—the power indicator icon: Battery, External Power, or Charging.
Speed—your current vehicle speed can be measured in miles per hour,
kilometers per hour, or knots.
Steer—see Course to Steer.
Sunrise—the time at which the sun rises on this day.
Sunset—the time at which the sun sets on this day.
—the current time and date. It can be shown in 12-hour or 24-hour format
in local time or universal (UTC) time.
Track—the direction of movement relative to a ground position. Also referred
to as ground track.
Trip Avg. Speed (Moving)
—the average speed while moving since the last
reset of the trip computer. Appears as Mov Avg Spd.
Trip Avg. Speed (Total)
—the total average speed traveled since the last reset
of the trip computer. Appears as Ttl Avg Spd
Trip Odometer
—the total distance traveled since the trip computer was reset.
Trip Timer (Moving)
—the length of time your vehicle has been in motion,
since the trip computer was reset. Appears as Move Timer.
Trip Timer (Total)
—the total time the unit has been tracking since the trip
computer was reset.
Ttl Avg Spd
—see Trip Avg. Speed (Total).
Turn—the distance between Bearing (BRG) and Track (TRG). L indicates you
should turn left. R indicates you should turn right. The degrees indicates the
difference angle and the number of degrees you should turn.
User Timer
—the timer you set on the Main Menu.
Velocity Made Good
—the rate of closure on a destination based on your
current speed and course of travel. Appears as
Vertical Speed
—the rate of climb or descent.
—the direct current voltage level of an external power source.
132 GPSMAP 376C Owner’s Manual
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