GPSMAP 60CSx Owner’s Manual 81
MAIn Menu > JuMPMAster
To use the Constant Setup Page:
1. Highlight each eld in order, and press Enter
to open the numerical key pad.
2. Enter the appropriate value in each eld, select
OK, and then press the Quit key to return to
the Jumpmaster Setup Page.
Clicking the Goto HARP button begins the
navigation process and takes you to the Wind Setup
page if that information is missing or automatically
setting up the route with the calculated HARP
and then the selected DIP before taking you to the
Navigation page.
A check box at the bottom allows for auto-navigation
to the DIP. If you want your unit to determine when
you have jumped, this box should be checked. A
message appears describing how to manually navigate
the route.
Select Restore Defaults from the Option Menu of this
page to reset the values.
The following is a list of abbreviations and acronyms
commonly used and relate specically to this feature:
AGL—(Above Ground Level) indicates the altitude
CD—(Canopy Drift) measured while the parachute is
DIP—(Desired Impact Point) describes the location
where landing should occur.
Drop Altitude—measures the altitude when the
jumpmaster exits the aircraft, measured in AGL.
DZ—(Drop Zone) describes the area where the
landing should occur.
DZSTL—(Drop Zone Support Team Leader) denes
the individual in charge at the drop zone.
FFD—(Free Fall Drift) denes the distance traveled
before the parachute is open.
FTH— Forward Throw Horizontal, describes the
distance traveled forward due to aircraft speed.