
GPSmap 76C
Data Field Options
The following list provides a brief description of each data field
option. Some of these options are supported only by devices interfaced to
your GPSmap 76C.
Accuracy GPS - The current accuracy of your GPS determined location.
Bearing - The compass direction from your current position to a destina-
tion point.
Course -
The desired path of travel from your starting point to your destina-
tion point.
Depth - The depth of water from sonar NMEA input.
Distance - Next - The distance to the next point on a route.
Distance - Destination - The entire distance, from beginning to end, of
a route.
ETA - Next - The estimated time that you will arrive at the next point on
your route, if you maintain your current speed and course.
ETA - Destination - The estimated time that you will arrive at your
destination, if you maintain your current speed and course.
Elevation - The distance above or below mean sea level.
Glide Ratio - The ratio of horizontal distance traveled to vertical dis-
GPSmap 76C Owner's Guide copy.indd 72 3/25/2004, 11:32:08 AM