StreetPilot 2730 Owner’s Manual 31
Step 2: Purchase and download the book to
your computer
Refer to AudibleManager’s Help file for detailed
instructions about downloading books to your computer
and loading them on your StreetPilot.
If you have not purchased audible books yet, you can
purchase them now. They are added to your online
library so you can download them to your computer.
1. From your computer’s desktop, double-click the
AudibleManager icon to open AudibleManager.
2. Click the
Go to My Library Online button on
the top center of the window. Your Audible.com
library opens, displaying the books you have
3. Click
Get it Now to download the book to your
4. Select a format and click Download.
Step 3: Transfer the book to your StreetPilot
Refer to AudibleManager’s Help file for detailed
instructions about downloading books to your computer
and loading them on your StreetPilot. You must first
activate your StreetPilot before transferring books; see
page 29.
1. Open AudibleManager.
2. Select the book title. Click
Add to Garmin
StreetPilot 2730 in the top left corner.
3. Select how much of the book you want to load.
You can load small sections at a time to save
memory. Click OK. AudibleManager transfers the
book to your StreetPilot.
4. When you are finished, double-click the Unplug
or Eject Hardware icon . Click Stop and OK.