GPS Information Page
‘Poor Satellite Reception’ Menu:
If no satellites are received for several minutes (or an insuffi cient number of satellites are received
to determine a position fi x) a message will appear, prompting you to update your approximate location
or turn off the GPS for indoor use. Updating your approximate location will ensure the StreetPilot III is
searching for the correct satellites, and is useful if you have traveled over 500 miles with the unit turned
off. If the unit has been stored without batteries and the displayed date is incorrect, the StreetPilot III
will not know the current positions of the GPS satellites. Selecting ‘Stored w/o Batteries’ will tell the
unit to search for any satellites that it can fi nd.
The ‘Poor Satellite Reception’ prompt may appear when you fi rst use your StreetPilot III. The
prompt may also appear during normal use if the antenna is shaded or when the unit is used indoors.
The GPS Information Page indicates the accuracy of the position fi x. See Appendix E for the
StreetPilot III performance specifi cations which include accuracy.
The ‘Poor Satellite Reception’ Menu gives you several
options when an insuffi cient number of satellites are
received to determine a position fi x.
The sun and moon icons on the satellite skyview are
for reference (notice that the icons are grayed if the
sun/moon is below the horizon). You can see the sunrise
and sunset times for your current location at date on the
Time Setup Page.
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