Page 1-4 GMA 240 Installation Manual
Rev. A 190-00917-01
Characteristic Specification
Music Functions Music inputs (stereo): 2
Music input impedance: 600
Ω (differential)
Music gain: -20dB @ min volume, +26dB @ max. volume (typ.)
Music input level:<200 mVrms for full power* output @ max music
volume knob position (typ.)
3.5 Vrms max music input level
Music bandwidth: 20 Hz to 20 kHz @ full power output
Music distortion: <0.1% THD+N (typ.) @ full power, full bandwidth
Special Functions: Front panel selection and volume control
Front panel control for muting by radios and ICS
Muting by alerts configurable
*Full power output refers to 300 mW into 50 Ω (three 150 Ω headsets in parallel each
driven to 100 mW)
Front Panel Mini-
Jack Functions
Input Impedance: 5.1 k
Music Input: Auto detection of music source will use jack as Music 1
Telephone Input: Auto detection of TEL source will use jack for TEL
Telephone ring signal is heard without TEL selected
1.3.3 Power Requirements
Characteristic Specification
Input Voltage Range 11 to 33 Vdc
Power Input 4.3 W normal operation (310mA @ 13.8 V)
7.5 W max. operation (540 mA @ 13.8 V)
1.4 Reference Documents
The following publications are sources of additional information for installing the GMA 240. Before
installing the unit, the technician should read all referenced materials along with this manual.
Part Number Document
190-00917-00 GMA 240 Pilot’s Guide
190-00917-02 GMA 240 Maintenance Manual