Viewing airport information by facility
name or city:
1) Select the Airport Location Page (see page 6).
2) Press the small right knob to activate the
3) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
facility name (second line) or the city (third
line) field.
4) Turn the small and large right knob to enter
the facility name or city location of the desired
destination waypoint. When spelling the
facility name or city, the GNC 420’s Spell’N’Find
feature will select the first entry in the database
based upon the characters that have been
entered up to that point.
5) Once the identifier is entered, the information
for that airport appears on the page. Press the
ENT Key to accept the selected identifier.
6) To view the other airport information pages,
press the small right knob to remove the
flashing cursor and turn the small right knob
to select the desired page.
The GNC 420’s auto-tune feature allows the pilot to
quickly select any database COM frequency in the GPS
Window as the standby frequency. With a minimum
of keystrokes, any COM frequency listed in the GPS
Window can be transferred to the standby field of the
COM Window. (NAV frequencies are shown for reference
Auto tuning a frequency from a list:
1) Select the Airport Frequencies Page from the
WPT Page Group (see page 6).
2) Press the small right knob to place the cursor
on the airport identifier field.
3) Use the small and large right knobs to enter
the identifier of the desired airport. Press the
ENT Key when finished.
4) Turn the large right knob to highlight the
desired frequency.
5) Press the ENT Key to place the highlighted
frequency in the standby COM Window field
(as appropriate).
6) To activate the selected frequency, press the
COM Flip-flop Key.