
The first time you power up your new GPS 40 is
an important step in getting the best possible GPS
performance. The receiver must be given an oppor-
tunity to collect satellite almanac data and establish
its present position. This process can take 7 1/2-15
minutes, and is only necessary for first time opera-
tion or after memory loss.
Take the GPS 40 outside and find a large, open
area (try a nearby park) that has a clear view of the
sky from horizon to horizon.
Do your best to stay away from buildings or other
structures that could block the path of signals to
the receiver. GPS signals do not travel through
rocks, mountains, buildings, metal surfaces or
other significant structures.
You’re now ready to power up and discover the
world of GARMIN GPS navigation.
1. Hold the unit so the built-in antenna (the flat area
above the display) is parallel to the ground.
2. Press and hold the
key firmly
to turn the unit on.
The Welcome Page will be displayed while the
unit conducts a self test. Once testing is complete,
the Welcome Page will be replaced by the Status
Page and the unit will begin acquiring satellite data.
While the GPS 40 is acquiring satellite data, relax
and browse through the rest of the Getting Started
section of the manual. If you’re new to GPS naviga-
tion, be sure to review the GPS Overview and Basic
Navigation Terms on pages 2 and 3.
To prevent accidental battery power loss, the
GPS 40 will automatically shut off 15 minutes after
the last keystroke if the unit is not tracking at least
one satellite and has never acquired a position fix.
Hold the receiver at a
comfortable height, at
arm’s length from your
body. If you prefer, find
a steady surface to set
the unit on while it
acquires satellites.
Welcome Page
Power On
40 rev B 8/6/98 1:44 PM Page 6