Poor GPS coverage - The GPS 155XL cannot acquire sufficient satel-
lites necessary to provide navigation.
Prox alarm-press NAV - Your craft has penetrated the alarm circle of a proxim-
ity waypoint. Press NAV to see the bearing and distance
to the proximity waypoint.
Proximity overlap - The circles defined by two proximity waypoints
overlap. When entering the area of the overlap,
the GPS 155XL will warn you of the closest prox-
imity waypoint, but not both. You should be cer-
tain this condition is desirable.
Proximity wpt locked - At least one proximity waypoint is locked because
the waypoint has been removed from the
Jeppesen NavData®, the data card is missing, or
the data card has failed.
Proximity wpt moved - One or more proximity waypoints were moved at
least 0.33 arc minutes due to a database change.
Proximty wpt deleted - One or more proximity waypoints were deleted
while receiving data from the PC Interface Kit.
Pwr down and re-init - The GPS 155XL is unusable until power has been
cycled and the unit re-initialized. Abnormal satel-
lite conditions may exist.
RAIM not available - RAIM is unavailable for the phase of flight you
are currently in (the HSI NAV flag should also
appear). Revert to alternate navigation.
RAIM position warn - RAIM has detected position errors exceeding
those allowed for the current phase of flight.
Revert to an alternate source of navigation.
RAM failed - The GPS 155XL has detected a failure in its inter-
nal memory. If the message persists, the GPS
155XL is unusable and should be taken to an
authorized GARMIN service center.
Rcvr needs service - The GPS 155XL has detected a condition
requiring service in the receiver hardware. The
GPS 155XL should be taken to an authorized
GARMIN service center.
Ready for navigation - The GPS 155XL is ready for navigation.
Receiver failed - The GPS 155XL has detected a failure in the
receiver hardware. If the message persists, the
GPS 155XL is unusable and should be taken to
an authorized GARMIN service center.
Remote ENT key stuck- The remote ENT key is stuck in the ‘pressed’
position. Check the key/installation.
ROM failed - The GPS 155XL has detected a failure in its per-
manent memory. If this message occurs, the unit
is unusable and should be taken to an authorized
GARMIN service center.
Route is empty - An attempt was made to activate an empty route.
Route is full - An attempt has been made to add more than 31
waypoints to a route. The GPS 155XL will not
allow more than 31 waypoints per route.
Route truncated - The route was truncated because not enough
room existed to insert a SID, STAR or approach.
155xlb manual 1/12/99 4:06 PM Page 116