Marine Database (cont)
Lit and unlit navaids are designated by the primary
color. The navaid symbol will have the first letter in
the primary color displayed in the symbol.
Information about the navaid is contained in the
navaid label. The navaid label can be activated two
ways, either by reaching the label zoom scale set in
navaid setup (see page 27) or by panning the map cur-
sor to the navaid (see page 22). The navaid label con-
tains an abbreviated description of the navaid.
Lit Navaids
have a description string with two
required parts, type of light(s), color of light(s) and an
optional third, period of light(s). There are many dif-
ferent light types; fixed, flashing, occulating and direc-
tional are just a few of these many types. There are 7
primary light colors portrayed in the unit; White, Red,
Green, Orange, Yellow or Amber, Violet and Blue.
Unlit Navaids
can either have a normal worded
description such as “TR ON PILE”, or a special desig-
nation code for the shape and color within the descrip-
tion string.
Fog Signal
labels include type of sound, whistle,
bell, horn, siren or diaphone and the sound character-
istic, normally blasts per time. There may be an
optional field showing the duration of the blast.
Radio Beacons
act as short range electronic
navaids. The label includes their operating frequency
and possibly the Morse Code characteristics assigned to
that radio beacon by the Coast Guard.
is an acronym for RAdar beaCON. The
label identifies the racon station by a series of dashes
and dots. When triggered by a radar signal the racon
transmits this coded reply which will appear on the
radar display.
Lit and unlit navaids are
designated by their pri-
mary color. The beginning
letter of the primary color
will be displayed in the
W = White
R = Red
G =Green
Y = Yellow or Amber
O = Orange
B = Blue or Black
V = Violet
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