Getting Started
Main Menu
Time Tab
‘Backlight Timeout’ —
Sets the time that the Backlight will remain on once
activated. The options are ‘Stays On’, ‘15 Seconds’, ‘30 Seconds’, ‘1 Minute’
and ‘2 Minutes’.
‘Beeper’ —
This setting determines when the Beeper is used. The options are
‘Key and Message’, ‘Message Only’, and ‘Off’.
Setup Menu — ‘Time’ Tab
The ‘Time’ Tab contains settings for Time Format, Time Zone, Daylight Sav-
ings Time, Current Date, and Current Time. To change a setting, highlight the
fi eld then press ENTER. Make your selection then press ENTER to activate
the selection.
‘Time Format’ —
Using this setting you can have the GPS 76 display time in
a 12 or 24 hour format.
‘Time Zone’ —
The ‘Time Zone’ setting has nine options, Atlantic, Eastern,
Central, Mountain, Pacifi c, Alaska, Hawaii, Samoa, and Other. If you choose
‘Other’ a new fi eld “UTC Offset” will be displayed. Enter the correct offset for
your Time Zone. You can fi nd a chart with UTC Offsets in Appendix C.
‘Daylight Savings Time’ —
Has three options, ‘Yes’, ‘No’, and ‘Auto’. If you
select ‘Auto’, the unit will automatically determine when Daylight Savings
Time should be displayed. If you select ‘Yes’, Daylight Savings Time for the
current location will be displayed. If you select ‘No’, Daylight Savings Time
will not be displayed. If you have ‘Other’ selected in the ‘Time Zone’ fi eld, this
option will not be available and Daylight Savings Time will be off.
‘Current Date’ —
This fi eld shows the current date as determined by the unit,
it is not accessible by the user.
‘Current Time’ —
This fi eld shows the time at the current location. This fi eld
refl ects any settings in the ‘Daylight Savings Time’ fi eld, and is not accessible
by the user.
Setup Menu — ‘Time’ Tab
190-00229-00.indd 07/25/01, 11:23 AM53