Dog Tracking System Owner’s Manual 43
GpS appLIcatIonS
You can create a Track Elevation Prole from Digital
Elevation Models (DEM) maps (MapSource U.S. Topo),
which include elevation data contained in the map. When
these types of maps are available, a Use Map Data - Use
Track Data option menu appears when you select Prole.
Refer to the Garmin Web site,
www.garmin.com/cartography/ontheTrail/, for more
information about MapSource U.S. Topo maps.
Track Prole Page
from Begin
and End
Navigating a Saved Track
You can save your track log to use later as a TracBack.
When initiated, a TracBack route takes you back to the
oldest stored track log point.
To use the TracBack feature:
With the Saved Tracks page for the track or the Tracks
page open, select TracBack > to open the TracBack
page. A map showing the entire track appears and you
are prompted to select the point you want to TracBack
2. Use the ROCKER to move the pointer to the point
on the map, and press ENTER to start navigating
the TracBack.
3. Select Follow Road to route back to the selected
point using available roadways, or Follow Track
to retrace your original path of travel. Select Don’t
Ask Again if you want to use the same option each
time you use TracBack.
The Map page opens with directions to the rst turn
on the track at the top of the page.