
GPSMAP 495 Owner’s Manual 155
Appendix > Jeppesen Database Information
Jeppesen Database Information
The GPSMAP 495 includes an internal Jeppesen
database that
provides location and facility information for thousands of airports,
VORs, NDBs, and more. The following information is provided
from the internal Jeppesen database:
Airport—* identifier, facility name, city/state/country, latitude/
longitude, field elevation, available fuel types, runway designations
and layout, runway surface, runway length, runway width, runway
lighting, communication frequencies, and published approaches.
Weather—frequencies associated with an airport (ASOS, ATIS, and
VORs—* identifier, facility name, city/state/country, location
(latitude/longitude), frequency, service volume (high, low, terminal),
and type (such as VOR-DME, TACAN, and VORTAC).
NDBs—* identifier, facility name, city/state/country, location
(latitude/longitude), and frequency.
Intersections—identifier, nearest VOR, radial and distance from
nearest VOR, location (latitude/longitude), and region/country.
ARTCC—Air Route Traffic Control Centers.
Airspace—boundaries (Class B, Class C, Control Zones, SUAs, and
MOAs), controlling agency, and vertical boundaries.
FSS—Flight Service Stations.
* Symbology used for NDBs, VORs, and airports is consistent with
those used on a sectional chart.
Database Updates
Updates to the Jeppesen database are available every 28 days online
(http://shop.garmin.com/aviation/databases). The update programs
are designed to operate on Windows
-compatible PCs and requires
the included USB Interface Cable to be connected to the unit and an
available USB port on your computer.
NOTE: After you perform an update to your Jeppesen database,
verify that all of the flight plans (routes) in your unit are current.
If there is an obsolete Jeppesen aviation point in a saved route,
the route is locked and unusable. You need to create a new route
with current Jeppesen database points.
An optional FlightBook software package is available to assist with
your flight record keeping. Visit the Garmin Web site at