Map Page Options
• Setup Page Layout— allows you to choose the size of text and number of data fi elds.
To setup the page layout:
1. Highlight the ‘Setup Page Layout’ option and press ENTER.
2. Select the desired option, None, Small (1 Column), Small (2 Columns), or Large (1 Column), and press
• Change Data Fields— allows you to specify the type of data displayed in each data fi eld used on the
map display. This option is available from any of the main pages.
To change a data fi eld:
1. From the menu, use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight ‘Change Numbers’ and press ENTER.
2. Move the fi eld highlight to the data fi eld you want to change and press ENTER.
3. Move up or down on the list using the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the data you want to display,
and press ENTER. To exit, press QUIT.
The following options are available for display in data fi elds on the main pages:
• ACCURACY – Estimated accuracy of GPS position
• BEARING – Compass direction from your position to destination
• COURSE – Desired Track
• DEPTH – Depth below transducer (if receiving proper sonar NMEA data from other device)
• DIST TO DEST – Distance to fi nal waypoint
• DIST TO NEXT – Distance to next waypoint
• DOP – Dilution of Precision, refl ects the quality of the GPS signals and satellite geometry.
• ELEVATION – Elevation above/below MSL (Mean Sea Level)
• ETA AT DEST – Estimated Time of Arrival to fi nal waypoint
• ETA AT NEXT – Estimated Time of Arrival to next waypoint
• MAX SPEED – Fastest speed the unit has traveled
• MOV AVG SPEED – Average moving speed
• MOV TRIP TIMER – Time unit has been moving since last reset
• OFF COURSE – Distance from desired track
Highlight the data fi eld you wish to change.
Small (2 Columns)
Large (1 Column)
Small (1 Column)
Page Layout Setup Options
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