
Active Route Page Options
The following options are available from the active route page:
 Invert Route? activates the active route in reverse order and begins navigation.
 Activate Route? reactivates the active route and selects the route leg closest to your
current position as the new active leg.
 Edit On Map? allows you to edit the selected route on map (see pages 48-49 for
specific instructions).
 Clear Route? allows you to clear all waypoints from the selected route.
 Copy Route? allows you to copy the waypoints of the active route to another route.
 Change Data Fields? allows you to define the data displayed in the distance and
ETE fields. Four data options are available:
 DIS distance to active wpt  DTK desired track
 ETE estimated time enroute  ETA estimated time of arrival
 Restore Defaults? resets all active route page options to the factory settings.
 Deactivate Route? stops navigation of the route you are currently navigating.
 Setup Simulator? allows you to define speed, course, and position values while in
simulator mode. See the Getting-Started Tour for more on using the simulator mode.
The Change Data Fields? option lets you specify
what information is displayed for each route way-
point. Four data options are available: distance,
desired track, and ETA or ETE to each route way-
Active Route
Page Options