GPSMAP 4000 Series Owner’s Manual 43
uSInG radar
usInG radar
When connected to an optional Garmin Marine Radar such as a GMR 404/406 or GMR 18, you can
view more information about your surroundings. The radar connects through the Garmin Marine
Network and shares radar data with every chartplotter connected to the network.
The Garmin Marine Radar transmits a narrow beam of microwave energy as it rotates in a 360
pattern. When the transmitted energy contacts a target, some of that energy is reected back to the
radar. You choose how to display the received data on the chartplotter.
WARNING: The marine radar transmits microwave energy that has the potential to be harmful to
humans and animals. Before beginning radar transmission, verify that the area around the radar is
clear. The radar transmits a beam approximately 12° above and below a line extending horizontally
from the center of the radar. Avoid looking directly at the radar, because the eyes are the most
susceptible part of the body.
Turning on the Radar:
1. When you power on the network, the radar warms up. A countdown is provided to alert you
when the radar is ready. From the Home screen, press Radar > Cruising.
As a safety feature, the radar enters standby mode after it warms up. This gives the
operator an opportunity to verify that the area around the scanner is clear before beginning
radar transmission. It is important to remember that the microwave energy transmitted by
the scanner can potentially be dangerous.
2. When the message “Ready to Transmit” appears in the center of the radar display, press and
release the POWER button on the chartplotter (do not hold the button, or you may shut
down the chartplotter.), or press MENU.
3. On the bottom right of the screen, select Transmit Radar. A “Spinning Up” message will
appear for a few moments, then the radar begins painting an image.
Turning off the Radar:
1. When you would like to stop transmitting with the radar, press and release the POWER
button on the chartplotter (do not hold the button, or you may shut down the chartplotter.), or
press MENU.
2. On the bottom right of the screen, select Go To Standby.