
dashboard 73
data card 161
slot 1
data fields 35
date 119
daylight saving time 119
DB-9 160
declutter 33
defaults 8, 35
aircraft profile 48
category 82
DSC directory item 99
flight records 46
route 74
track log 88
waypoint 85
waypoint category 82
density altitude 50
depth 120
descent rate alert 28
detailed maps 10, 36, 161
details 15, 16, 19
detour 68
DGPS 124, 163
alarm 107
differential 164
differential field 163
differential GPS 163
digital selective calling. See DSC
direction display 120
Direct To 14, 19
display tab 114
distance and speed 120
distress calls 97–100, 168–169
drift alarm 108
DSC 96–100, 168–169
E6B 49–50
route 75, 76, 77
waypoints 78, 79
elevation 120
aviation 19
marine 168
entering data 9, 10
erase. See delete
external power source 4
faster time 117
FCC 168, 169, 180
field 8
from 58
from a different location 58, 59
menu 57, 60
your current location 3
finding an Item in automotive or
marine mode 58–60
finding a nearby aviation point 18–22
fishing information 112
fish symbols 140
flasher 142
FlightBook 46, 170
flight log 46
flight plan 27
create 27
follow 28
locked 27
following an automotive route 66
following your flight plan 28
follow roads 62
FSS 18
fuel flow 44, 47, 77
GARMIN DGPS 122, 123
getting satellite signals 4–6
going to a destination 56
go to 14, 15, 84
distress call 100
history 59
page 15, 23
point 92
position report 100
GPS 163–164
learning about 163
Off/On 5
page 6, 74
GRI chain 166
GSD 20A 135
guidance tab 118
GXM 30 antenna 132
connecting 159
heading 121
avoid 118
Highway Page 114
automotive mode 70–71
data fields 71
page layout 71
setup 71
HSI 40
bug indicator 34
Hunt & Fish tab 112
icons 114
identifier 6, 12, 14, 18, 168, 170
information page 32, 60
initialize 3, 163
installation information 158–162
intersection 170
182 GPSMAP 496 Owner’s Manual