
500 Series Owner’s Manual
DSC Position Report Received From—shows the MMSI or name
associated with an MMSI.
Database Error—internal problem with the unit. Contact your
dealer or Garmin Product Support to have the unit serviced.
Deep Water Alarm—the Deep Water Alarm depth has been
Directory Item With This MMSI Already Exists—the MMSI
number is already in DSC directory. Use a different number.
Directory Memory is Full, Can’t Create Entry—the DSC
directory has reached maximum of 100 contacts. Delete unneeded
contacts to add new ones.
Distress Call—a DSC distress call has been received. Take
appropriate action.
Entering (Leaving) target water temperature—the target water
temperature is 2° F (1.1° C) above or below the temperature
when you enter or leave that zone.
Fish Alarm—abeepsounds(ifenabled)whenashisdetected.
This alarm does not show a message banner.
Flash Flood Warning*—aashoodwarningwasissuedforthe
area by the National Weather Service.
Flood Warning*—aoodwarningwasissuedfortheareabythe
National Weather Service.
Invalid MMSI—enter a Valid MMSI.
Lost Satellite Reception—the unit has lost satellite signals. Check
antenna connections or try moving to a location with a clear view of
the sky.
Marine Warning*—a marine warning was issued by the National
Weather Service.
NMEA Depth Is Below Transducer
—you must enter an
appropriate Keel Offset for the transducer.
No Waypoints/Routes/Tracks/User Waypoints Found—attempted
to transfer user data from an SD card that does not contain the