Getting Started
Main Pages
This exercise will provide you with the knowledge and skill to navigate the
pages and menus of your GPSMAP 76 with confi dence.
As we progress through this Owner’s Manual you will often be directed to
press a specifi ed Interface Key or highlight a fi eld. When you are directed to press
a Key, you should press, then release the Key. If the Key needs to be held down
for a period of time, the instruction will tell you. The position of the highlight
is controlled by the ROCKER Key. When a fi eld is highlighted, a dark strip
will encompass the fi eld.
Let’s start by taking a look at the fi ve main display pages. They are the GPS
Information Page, Map Page, Pointer Page, Highway Page and the Active Route
Page. You can cycle through these pages by pressing either the PAGE or QUIT
Key. When the GPSMAP 76 is turned on a Welcome Page will be displayed,
followed by an Information Page and a Warning Page. Acknowledge each of these
pages by pressing the PAGE Key while they are displayed. The GPS Information
Page will now be displayed.
GPS Information Page
Map Page Pointer Page Highway Page Active Route Page
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