
GPSMAP 76CSx Owner’s Manual 81
Safety Factor is used in HAHO jump types to allow
a margin or error for a jump. Safety factors are
usually integer values, no smaller than two, and are
determined by the jumpmaster based on specifications
for the jump.
A number of K values can be specified for different
jumps. HAHO jumps use K-open while HALO jumps
use K-open and K-freefall. Static jumps use K-static.
K-values are based on the parachute canopy rating.
Each parachute should be labeled with a K value.
Common values may range from 3.0 for K-freefall to
48.0+ for HAHO K-open.
Select Restore Defaults from the Option Menu of this
page to reset the values.
The following is a list of abbreviations and acronyms
commonly used:
AGL—Above Ground Level Altitude measure
CD—Canopy Drift drift while parachute is open
DIP—Desired Impact Point location where landing
should occur
DZ—Drop Zone area where landing should occur
DZSTL—Drop Zone Support Team Leader
LFFD—Free Fall Drift drift before parachute is open
HAHO—High Altitude High Opening type of jump
HALO—High Altitude Low Opening type of jump
HARP—High Altitude Release Point location jumper
exits from aircraft
MSL—Mean Sea Level Altitude measure
PRP—Primary Release Point HARP plus forward
throw of aircraft