50 Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
The power cable is intended for operation of the GX50/60/65 unit out of the aircraft. It
includes a power cable for connection to a 10 to 40 volt DC power supply.
Note: Operation of the GX50/60/65 with a PC is not currently authorized under
FCC Part 15 regulations.
Note: Operation of the GX60/65 comm transmitter in a residential or industrial
environment is not permitted without an appropriate FCC license.
These Apollo ACU annunciators provide the required annunciation for the GX50/60 for IFR
en route, terminal, and non-precision approach operation. See the instructions provided with
the annunciator module for complete specifications and installation instructions.
Apollo ACU GPS/NAV Annunciation Control Unit
Garmin AT Part #: ....................................430-6080-000 14 VDC Horizontal
430-6080-100 14 VDC Vertical
430-6080-200 28 VDC Horizontal
430-6080-300 28 VDC Vertical