Serial Interface Specifications
Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
following table. s = a sign indicator (-,+,E,W). d = a
decimal digit (0-9)
<checksum> ...................................... the message checksum, same format as message
<ETX> .............................................. ASCII “end of text” character (ETX = 03h)
Table 12 Fuel/Air Data Message Data (S Format)
Message Description
SA ddd IAS 7 Indicated Air Speed in knots
SB ddd TAS 7 True Air Speed in knots
SC ddd MACH 7 Mach Speed in thousandths
SD sdddd PALT 9 Pressure Altitude in tens of feet, +/- sea level
SE sdddd DALT 9 Density Altitude in tens of feet, +/- sea level
SF sdd OAT 7 Outside Air Temp - or “Total”, in degrees Celsius
SG sdd TAT 7 True Air Temp - or “Static”, in degrees Celsius
SH ddd WDIR 7 Wind Direction, 0 to 359 degrees from true north
SI ddd WSPD 7 Wind Speed in knots
SJ sdd TURN 7 Rate of Turn in +/- degrees/second, + is right, - is left
SK sddd VSPD 8 Vertical speed in tens of feet/minute
SL ddd HEAD 7 Heading, 0 to 359 degrees from true north
SM dddd RFF 8 Right Engine Fuel Flow in tenths of gallons/hour
SN ddddd RFU 9 Right Engine Fuel Used in tenths of gallons
SO dddd LFF 8 Left Engine Fuel Flow in tenths of gallons/hour
SP ddddd LFU 9 Left Engine Fuel Used in tenths of gallons
SQ ddd ERR 7 Error Log / Reason Indicator: 001 = temp sensor error; 000
= no errors
SR ddddd REM 10 Fuel remaining (0-9999.9 in gallons)
S* ddd CKSUM 7 Checksum of all characters preceding this record. The
checksum is a one byte checksum (discarding carries)
including all characters from the initial STX up to and
including the line feed preceding the checksum message.