Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Mooney M20M & M20R
(1) NAV VOL/ID Knob – Controls the NAV audio level.
Press to toggle the Morse code identifier ON and OFF.
Volume level is shown in the field as a percentage.
(2) NAV Frequency Toggle Key – Toggles the standby
and active NAV frequencies.
(3) Dual NAV Knob – Tunes the MHz (large knob) and
kHz (small knob) standby frequencies for the NAV re-
ceiver. Press to toggle the tuning cursor (light blue box)
between the NAV1 and NAV2 fields.
(4) Heading Knob – Turn to manually select a heading
on the HSI. When pressed, it synchronizes the heading
bug with the compass lubber line.
(5) Joystick – Changes the map range when rotated. Ac-
tivates the map pointer when pressed.
(6) CRS/BARO Knob – The large knob sets the altim-
eter barometric pressure and the
small knob adjusts the
course. The course is only adjustable when the HSI is in
VOR1, VOR2, or OBS/SUSP mode. Pressing this knob
centers the CDI on the currently selected VOR.
(7) Dual COM Knob – Tunes the MHz (large knob) and
kHz (small knob) standby frequencies for the COM trans-
ceiver. Pressing this knob toggles the tuning cursor (light
blue box) between the COM1 and COM2 fields.
(8) COM Frequency Toggle Key – Toggles the standby
and active COM frequencies. Pressing and holding this
key for two seconds automatically tunes the emergency
frequency (121.5 MHz) in the active frequency field.
(9) COM VOL/SQ Knob – Controls COM audio level.
Pressing this knob turns the COM automatic squelch ON
and OFF. Audio volume level is shown in the field as a
(10) Direct-to Key – Allows the user to enter a destina-
tion waypoint and establish a direct course to the selected
destination (specified by the identifier, chosen from the
active route, or taken from the map cursor position).
(11) FPL Key – Displays the active Flight Plan Page for
creating and editing the active flight plan, or for accessing
stored flight plans.
(12) CLR Key (DFLT MAP) – Erases information, can-
cels an entry, or removes page menus. To display the
Navigation Map Page immediately, press and hold CLR
(MFD only).
(13) Dual FMS Knob – Used to select the page to be
viewed (only on the MFD). The large knob selects a page
group (MAP, WPT, AUX, NRST), while the small knob
selects a specific page within the page group. Pressing the
small knob turns the selection cursor ON and OFF.
(14) MENU Key – Displays a context-sensitive list of op-
tions. This list allows the user to access additional features,
or to make setting changes that relate to certain pages.
(15) PROC Key – Selects approaches, departures and ar-
rivals from the flight plan. If a flight plan is used, avail
able procedures for the departure and/or arrival airport
are automatically suggested. If a flight plan is not used,
the desired airport and the desired procedure may be se-
lected. This key selects IFR departure procedures (DPs),
arrival procedures (STARs) and approaches (IAPs) from
the database and loads them into the active flight plan.
(16) ENT Key – Accepts a menu selection or data entry.
This key is used to approve an operation or complete data
entry. It is also used to confirm selections and informa-
tion entries.
(17) Dual ALT Knob – Sets the reference altitude in the
box located above the Altimeter. The large knob selects
the thousands, while the small knob selects the hun-