36 nüvi 5000 Owner’s Manual
cUStoMizinG the nüVi
5. Touch Next on the nüvi, enter the
code, and touch Done.
The trafc subscription code cannot be
reused. You must obtain a new code each
time you renew your service. If you own
multiple FM trafc receivers, you must
obtain a new code for each receiver.
Restoring All Settings
1. Touch Tools > Settings.
2. Touch Restore.
3. Touch Yes.
Clearing User Data
CAUTION: This deletes all user-
entered information.
1. Holdyourngeronthelower-right
corner of the nüvi’s screen while
turning on the nüvi.
2. Keepyourngerpresseduntilthe
prompt appears.
3. Touch Yes to clear all user data.
All original settings are restored. Any
items that you have saved are erased.
Adjusting the Volume
From the Menu page, touch Volume to
adjust the master volume level.
To adjust the volume levels for the
navigation prompts and media player,
touch Mixer.
—restore the original volume