Figure 6-1: COMM MENU
The Communications menu allows you to transfer data between your GPS
unit and a PC, monitor real time position data from the GPS unit or select the
communications port to be used. The proper COM port must be selected
prior to beginning a data transfer (see Section 6.5). The unit must be
configured with the appropriate output selected on the Interface Page:
“GARMIN” to download or upload data, or “NMEA 0183 (Version 1.5 or 2.0)”
for realtime plotting.
Data transferred between the PC and the unit is in a GARMIN proprietary
binary format. The PCX5 software converts the binary data to an ASCII
readable file format for user editing. The ASCII file format is GARMIN for:
Waypoint, Proximity Waypoint, Route, or Track Files and YUMA for almanac
files. While the data is being transferred, a bar graph will indicate the
progress of the transfer. The ESC key can be used to abort the data transfer.
NOTE: The PCX5 software will process up to 500 waypoints, 20 routes,
route comments, proximity waypoints and up to forty waypoints per route.
Your GPS unit may not support all the features available in the PCX5
software. Refer to your GPS owner's manual for the capability of your unit.