Finding a Point of Interest
You can use the Find Point of Interest option to
locate a nearby restaurant, lodging, landmark, public
building, park, etc. However, you must have transferred
MapSource Points of Interest (POI) data to the unit
memory. Otherwise, this option is grayed out and is not
functional. See page 68 for more on loading POI data.
Here is a list of Point of Interest categories:
Food & Drink Transportation
Lodging Emergency & Govt.
Attractions Manmade Places
Entertainment Water Features
Shopping Land Features
In many instances, these categories are subdivided
into types, such as in the instance of Food & Drink.
When you select Food and Drink from the list of
categories, you are then presented with a list of types
which includes ‘All Types’ and cuisine options such as
American, Asian, Barbecue, Chinese and many more.
Once you have selected an item, you can display
the Information Page for that item. You can then use the
on-screen buttons to ‘Goto’ or view the location on the
‘Map’; or use the Options Menu for more choices.
To fi nd a point of interest:
1. Use the THUMB STICK to highlight ‘Points of
Interest’ and then press it IN to display the Points
of Interest Categories List.
2. Use the THUMB STICK to select the desired
category and then press it IN to display the Types
3. Use the THUMB STICK to select the desired type
and then press it IN to display the list for that type.
4. Use the Options Menu at the top of page to select
from either ‘By Name’ or ‘Nearest’ options. Select-
ing ‘By Name’ displays a keyboard allowing you to
enter the characters of the name you want. A list
of matches displays when enough characters are
entered. (contd.)
Main Menu Page
Finding Items
Points of Interest List
Food & Drink Categories
Nearest Barbecue List