Garmin © 2005 8 StreetPilot
i2/i3/i5 Owner’s Manual
Viewing Recent Finds
Your StreetPilot stores the last 25 places you have found in Recent
Finds. The most recently viewed places appear at the top of
the list.
Select Where To? >
Recent Finds.
Select an item from
the list.
Finding an Intersection
Finding an intersection is very similar to finding an address. From
the main page, select Where To? > Intersections and enter the
two street names.
Finding a City
Select Where To? > Cities to search for a city.
Why can’t I find a
place in my i2/i3?
When you set up your i2 or i3, you
loaded detailed maps. Your i2/i3
can only search for places located
within those detailed maps. For
example, to search for a place in
New York City, you must load
detailed maps for New York City.
For more information on loading
detailed maps to your i2/i3, see
page 23.
If you own an i5, your StreetPilot
already contains detailed maps.