Radio Services
The four groups you will have occasion to use are the U.S.A.
Regular Band of 52 channels, the Canadian Band of 56 channels,
the International Band of 55 channels, and 15 programmed-in
Marina Channels and 57 programmed-in Private channels on the
International Band. Some of these are receive (listen) only.
The emergency channel 16 is restricted to hailing of other
vessels, distress calls and safety purposes only. Known as the Hail
and Distress Channel, it is used to contact nearby vessels and in
emergencies where there is threat to life or property.
A calling or hailing channel is used for establishing contact with
another vessel as an alternate to channel 16. As channel 16 is often
used so frequently that hailing vessels is not practical in some high
traffic areas. Contact is made using a programmed Call channel.
Maritime radio users are required to monitor channel 16, it is
also advisable to monitor the Call channel and a selected regular
channel as well. To facilitate these requirements, the VHF 725e is
equipped with a Tri-Watch feature that allows you to engage in
regular channel communications and monitor both the emergency
channel and the Call channel.
Appendix C on pages 28 through 30 of this manual provides a
listing of channels and the use of each, including those which are
for receiving broadcast messages only.
applications, such as ship to shore communications and navigation
in waterways and ports. You may not have access to some which are
not-for-public-use frequencies, and you are required to monitor and
use others which are safety and navigational procedure frequencies.