312785C 37
Ethernet Communication Troubleshooting
This section is used to troubleshoot the communication between two devices linked via Ethernet.
TIP: For communication troubleshooting, it is strongly advised to create a new Graco Gateway database including
only one data tag mapped to a known register in the target device.
Values show “----” Incorrect target device IP address. Check the target device IP address in
Graco Gateway (in communications
on the PLC symbol) to match the tar-
get device IP address setup.
Incorrect cable or wrong connection. Check the LED on the Graco Gate-
way device Ethernet port. If none are
lit, there are no connections. Check
the cable or that the Ethernet port is
enabled in Graco Gateway, see
Ethernet port disabled. Check that the Ethernet port in Graco
Gateway is enabled.
Graco Gateway and target devices
are in a different address domain:
• If no routers are present on the
Check that the target device IP
address and Graco Gateway device
IP address are different but in the
same domain. (For example, both
start with the same three first num-
bers; ex: 192.168.2.xxx if the mask is
• If a router is present on the net-
Check the Graco Gateway device
Ethernet port Gateway address to
match the router IP address.
Incorrect tag mapping. Check that the tag is mapped to an
existing register in the target device.
Values blink between the data and
Incorrect tag mapping on one of the
tags on the display.
Delete tags one after another and
download in-between. When the val-
ues on the screen stop blinking, the
last deleted tag was mapped incor-
rectly or accessed an unknown regis-
ter in the target device.
Communications times-out. Increase the Slave Response or
Device Timeout on the communica-
tion port or target device in Graco