7 Click Save to save the changes.
8 Click Close to return to the SSU main window.
Setting up LAN alerts
To set up LAN alerts:
1 Boot your server from the System Companion CD, then select System Setup Utility from
the menu. The System Setup Utility starts.
2 In the SSU main window, under Server Configuration, double-click LAN Setup.
3 Click to select the Enable LAN Alerts check box.
4 In the SNMP Community String box, you can type an optional string for the community
field in the
Header section of the SNMP trap sent for an alert. The string must be from
5 to 16 characters. The default string is public.
5 In the IP Setup box, click either:
■ DHCP—The IP address for the server is automatically assigned by the DHCP
(dynamic host control protocol) server on the network. The Host, Gateway, and
Subnet Mask boxes in the dialog box are ignored.
■ Static—Assign the IP address for the server using the Host, Gateway, and Subnet
Mask boxes in the dialog box.
6 If you chose Static IP Setup in the previous step, complete the IP addressing boxes:
■ Gateway MAC Address—The physical address of the router for this server.
■ Host IP Address—The IP address of this server.
■ Gateway IP Address—The IP address of the router for this server.
■ Subnet Mask—The IP address for the server’s subnet. The server uses this to decide
if the alert destination is on the same subnet.
7 In the Alert IP Address box, complete the IP address of the system you want to receive
alerts from this server. If you want the alert to be broadcast to an entire subnet, enter
the IP address for the subnet.
8 In the Alert IP MAC Address box, complete the physical Internet address (MAC address)
of the system you want to receive alerts from this server. Enter only valid hex values
for the Alert IP MAC address.
9 Click Options, then click Configure Event Actions.